Weba) Problem/Issue: The effectiveness of the Fluoron EasyGas SF6, C2F6, C3F8 gas tamponade devices cannot be guaranteed. Despite correct handling and application, the gas volume may be below specification. Part 4. Background Information Notice Information: - Advisory - 13 June 2013 Page 1 of 5
Field Safety Notices about Fluoron Gas Tamponade EasyGas SF6
WebRecall Or Safety Alert for Gas Buffer EasyGas SF6 (20%): EasyGas SF6 Lot EG1 300614 Reference No. G-80950; EasyGas SF6 Lot EG1 150714 Reference No. G-80950; Recall Or Safety Alert for Gas Buffer Fluoron EasyGas SF6, EasyGas C2F6 and EasyGas C3F8 WebRecall Or Safety Alert for Gas Buffer EasyGas SF6 (20%): EasyGas SF6 Lot EG1 300614 Reference No. G-80950; EasyGas SF6 Lot EG1 150714 Reference No. G-80950 … literal interpretation meaning
Easygas Archives - אבנט מדיקל
WebSolicite informes antes de hacer pedido. Descripción. Gas para taponamiento intraocular EasyGas SF6, listo para usarse en jeringa estéril premezclada de 40 ml. Tiempo efectivo de taponamiento: 6 días. Tiempo de retención: 1-2 semanas. Composición: 20% SF6 y 80% aire sintético. Máximo 2 ojos. WebEasyGas SF6 Fluoron è una miscela incolore e inodore disponibile in siringhe sterili preriempite, costituita da esafluoruro di zolfo SF6 di elevata purezza e da aria sterile. EasyGas SF6 è chimicamente e fisiologicamente inerte. Il sistema pronto per l'uso (Ready-to-Use-System) si distingue per la manipolazione semplice, rapida e sicura. ... WebEasyGas SF6. Fluoron. Fluoron GmbH develops and manufactures ultrapure innovative biomaterials for retinal surgery, as well as innovative silicone oil tamponades that can remain in the eye for longer periods. Fluoron also markets perfluorocarbohydrates and semifluorinated alkanes for intraoperative use. literal infringement test